
This is about Latinx youth in San Antonio, Texas. I wanted to photograph local artists in their familiar environments while capturing their individual identities and the pride they carry with them. A lot of us were raised in conservative Latino religious communities where there’s a certain expectation on how to act, dress and love. A lot of these values we are raised with are homophobic, sexist, transphobic, and misogynistic. The masks represent the masks we are taught to wear to hide our true selfs if we don’t fit our society’s standards. As we grow older and figure ourselves out, we take those masks off and push away against meeting up to those expectations. These individuals have fought against toxic masculinity, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and other types of discrimination. They are now proud of who they are and what they represent.



Baldemar Esquivel III - @_baldemar_

Rudy Flores - @rudyaflores

Matthew Vining - @matthew.vini

Adrian Soules Martinez - @6butt6hole6

Nathan Julian Saldaña - @guccitx

Dylan Lopez Diaz - @todo_delincuente

Photographer: Martin Delgado @cripplebird

Makeup artist/Assistant: Megan Tityanaranti @me.g4n

Stylist: Charlene Llanas @charlenelfarias


This Punk Shit is Important


On Having Dark Skin and Desiring Beauty