perfect woman quiz (Copy)
Illustration by Honey Simatupang
QUIZ! In what decade would you be considered the Perfect Woman?
What is your favorite lip color to wear?
Light pink
Light peach
Hot pink
Light brown
How would you prefer your crush to dress?
Lots of button ups and pleated pants
A turtleneck and a fun pant or jeans
Double denim, white socks, and sneakers
Doesn’t matter as long as it’s clearly too big for them
What kind of music do you listen to?
Anything as long as it’s not rock and roll
Anything as long as it’s not psychedelic
Anything as long as it’s not disco
Anything as long as it’s not hip hop
What do you think of your fellow woman?
As long as her meatloaf recipe isn’t better than mine and she isn’t having sex with my husband, I don’t mind her.
As long as she keeps her opinions to herself, I don’t mind her.
As long as she’s willing to come with me to the mall and the hair salon, I don’t mind her.
As long as she’s not a bitch, I don’t mind her.
Why do you feel the need to qualify how you think of other women?
You see other women as competition for the ultimate title of the Best Woman, don’t you?
I don’t want to admit it
Doesn’t everyone?
Does it bother you that men make more than women for doing the same job?
Women can have the same jobs as men?
Are men secretaries now?
Do they even know how to type?
Do they know how to do anything other than look authoritative while talking on the phone?
When was the last time someone asked for your opinion?
Possibly… no, that wasn’t it…
Does being asked for directions count?
I don’t think people know that I have opinions.
This quiz might be the first time.
Finally, do you realize that no matter what you do, you will always be considered inferior to men, even by fellow women, unless you stop letting the male-dominated society you live in dictate your life?
I need to sit down.
Me too.
This quiz wasn’t as fun as I thought it was going to be.
Perfection doesn’t exist, womanhood is what you make of it.